Friday, July 8, 2011

From My Gardern

I love to garden, but I was born with two Brown thumbs LOL. This is only funny if you know that my maiden name was Brown. Hehe I make myself laugh. After a few years of working out the kinks, this year I am super proud of my garden. Here is the main section loaded with lots of goodies. From peppers, to lettuces. I was not able to fit all in this section even tho it is almost triple the size it was last year.
So here is a few things, like pumpkins, squash and some cuccs.
Above is the last section with summer squash and zucchini. Every thing is doing really well and I already have harvested more radishes then we can eat. I can't wait for the other stuff, yummy

1 comment:

  1. Garden looks great! I am kicking myself for not getting mine in this year. Oh well. Hopefully some who have abundance with bless those who don't. Hint! Hint!
